Greetings once again fellow Halloween/Samhain celebrators. I hope you are enjoying a wonderfully dark weekend. As our series of interviews with our fearless team leaders continues, I introduce to you Amber from SerpentsDance. You will see what a wonderfully macabre person Amber is.
1. Why Halloween/Samhain?
I have always loved Halloween the most, even as a little girl. I was an
odd child, always obsessed with ghosts and skeletons and the thought of
death and the afterlife, so Halloween called to me more than any other
holiday. That, and it comes hand-in-hand with my favorite season. I am
happiest in's why I got married that month!
Haunted Graveyard Necklace
2. Your inspiration:
Everything! Music, art, history and nature are probably my biggest
influences, though. I love to tell stories, and that's what I feel like
I'm doing when I make jewelry. I'm telling bits and pieces of a story in
each piece.
Perching Crow Necklace
3. What color makes you want to create and why?
Red. Which is funny, because it rarely shows up in my jewelry, but the
majority of my paintings are red. I think it's just the vividness of the
color that grabs my attention. I tend to use a lot of blue and green
stones in my jewelry, though, because it goes so well with copper.
Silver Dragon with Garnet Cabacon
4. Spooky, Creepy, or Cutesy?
Spooky and Creepy, for sure. Not that I don't like cute things, but spooky and creepy always win, for me. Cemetary Ring Memento Mori Necklace
5. Lestat or Edward Cullen?
Lestat, of course. Never got on board with Twilight.
Copper Scroll Necklace
6. Do you have a favorite Halloween/Samhain tradition?
I always watch Nightmare Before Christmas. I also love to roast the pumpkin seeds from the jack-o-lanterns.
Hammered Copper Hair Stick Copper Leaf Necklace
7. Trick or Treat? Why?
Treat. Because I love candy a little more than I should.
Dragon's Love Necklace
8. Interesting tidbit about yourself?
I have a slight obsession with crime. If I could've been anything, I
would have been a forensic anthropologist, but my stomach does not
handle the sight of real-life blood and guts very well. So I make up for
it by filling my bookshelves with books about serial killers. I also
have a lot of books about weapons and poison, and grow a lot of
poisonous plants in my garden (in my defense, some poisonous plants also
happen to be really pretty!). My husband is convinced that if one of
the neighbors ever turns up dead, the cops will take one look at my
bookcases and haul me away.
Moon and Stars Dome Necklace
What an interview. As a fellow true crime enthusiast I have to say I understand the lure of forensics. Check out Amber's unique shop items by clicking on the links after each answer. It will give you a taste of her talent. Until we meet again my Halloween lovlies.....
October has always been my fav month, probably because of Halloween and I was born in October!